
Our Publications

The Ulverscroft Foundation has helped fund a number of publications in relation to the subject of visual impairment.

Eye Diseases in Hot Climates

Maladies oculaires sous les climats chauds

The Ulverscroft Foundation is pleased to have funded publication of the 5th edition of Eye Diseases in Hot Climates by Saul Rajak and John Sandford-Smith.

This well-established clinical textbook covers the spectrum of eye disorders but with a focus on the major preventable and treatable causes of blindness in developing countries. Written specifically to address the information needs of doctors, nurses and medical assistants involved in managing eye patients in tropical and developing nations, the book’s practical approach is designed to support those working with limited specialist supervision and equipment.

Introductory chapters on anatomy and physiology of the eye and clinical skills are followed by chapters devoted to specific conditions such as xerophthalmia, onchocerciasis, leprosy and HIV. Also included are chapters on paediatric eye disease and visual impairment, and a practical guide to the diagnosis of common eye disorders. Thoroughly revised and updated both in terms of text and illustration, Eye Diseases in Hot Climates Fifth Edition continues to provide relevant, practical advice for health care providers caring for eye patients in nations where blindness and visual impairment remain prevalent.

The book is £15 plus postage and is available from foundation@ulverscroft.co.uk. If you are a health worker please request our discounted price of £12.

Maladies oculaires sous les climats chauds

French version

The French translation of the 4th edition of Eye Diseases in Hot Climates (Maladies oculaires sous les climats chauds) by John Sandford-Smith 2010. Published by FA Thorpe Publishing ISBN 978-1-4448-9999-3. This book is now FREE of CHARGE, plus postage and packing.

Eye Surgery in Hot Climates

4th Edition

4th Edition

Other available titles include 4th edition of Eye Surgery in Hot Climates by Will Dean and John Sandford-Smith ISBN 978-1-909836-23-5. The book is published by JP Medical Publishers in paperback and includes a DVD-ROM of Operative Videos and Quiz Modules. The price is £15 plus postage and is available from the Ulverscroft Foundation. If you are a health care worker please request our discounted price of £12.

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To order copies of books, or for other enquiries please contact us.
