This list aims to give you an idea of the type of projects we supported. All help visually impaired people (VIPs)
- Coventry Resource Centre for the Blind: a pledge towards a minibus to get VIPs to the centre
- Malawi University of Science & Technology: for resources for their VI students
- Right to Sight & Health, Ghana: solar panels at the Northern Community Eye Hospital
- Ruharo Mission Hospital Eye Centre, Uganda: for retinoblastoma services
- UN ABPAM, Burkina Faso: for computers and other resources for VIP students
- Walthew House: for their website development work
- Sightline Vision (North West) Ltd: for their Telephone Befriending Service
- VI Talk: to run Qigong classes over Zoom.
- Choose Nature: for sensory garden planting and accessible hammocks for disabled visitors.
- Royal Court Liverpool Trust: for hardware and software development to enable audio described performances
- Be the Band: for accessible musical instruments, and hardware & software development
- Nepal Leprosy Trust: to expand ocular services and integrating optical aids dispensary at Lalghad Leprosy Hospital
- MySight York: to fund adaptive equipment at the new Sight Support Centre at York Eye Clinic
- BLESMA: to support their Welfare & Wellbeing programme to help visually impaired limbless ex-service people
- University of Surrey: to fund research into an artificial full-colour retina
- Reading Agency: a further two years funding for their Reading Friends project
- Books for All: for Braille & tactile books in various languages to 200 schools in India
- Tshemba Foundation: to fund eye camps in South Africa
- Orbis: towards establishing five women-led vision centres in rural Bangladesh
- University of St Andrews: a project to support non-ophthalmologists in Indonesia who will detect diabetic retinopathy
- Wirral Community Narrowboat Trust: to provide narrowboat trips for VIP children from local blind schools
- Lancashire Lions VI Sports Club: for their weekly activity sessions
- Greenwich Libraries: to support their Vision of Choice programme to provide equipment which will give VIPs new options in reading
- to expand the provision for VIP audiences at the Greenwich & Docklands International Festival
- John Fawcett Foundation: to fund eye operations in Bali
- InterCare: to fund the shipment of medical supplies to Tanzania & Malawi
- Share the Vision (STV): to support the Ulverscroft Foundation & STV Strategic Partnership for three years 2024 to 2027
- Embrace the Middle East: working with a local partner Life Vision for Development to support 175 young VIPs in Minya, upper Egypt.
- Microphthalmia Anophthalmia & Coloboma Support (MACS): for an adventure holiday at the Calvert Trust.
- Pleasance Theatre Trust Ltd: for audio description equipment.
- Leicester Visually Impaired Bowling Club: towards raising the profile of the sport & the provision of equipment.
- Teesside & District Society for the Blind: for new chairs for their Social Centre.
- Vision Northumberland: for equipment for their Low Vision Service.
- Outlook Trust for Visually Impaired: towards a sailing week.
- Sutton Vision: for the purchase/upgrading of assistive technology demonstration equipment.
- Kenya Albino Child Support Unit, Kenya: for seating and for a milking machine & freezer for the farm’s milk to improve sustainability.
- Andean Medical Mission: for their glaucoma service in northern Bolivia
- Ribble Valley Visually Impaired: to run recreational activities & workshops for visually impaired people
- Life Cycle: for tandem rides for VIPs in the Bristol area
- Vision of Adventure: to run courses on outdoor activities for VIPs & to also run a sighted guide training weekend.
- Open Sight Hampshire: towards running Smart Devices Workshops for VIPs
- EthiopiAid: to provide eye health care to 300 elders and to support 25 VIPs at a local health clinic in Ethiopia.
- University of Leicester: establishing standardised care using a multicentre collaborative approach for Paediatric Eye Diseases over three years from 2024
- MoorVision: for accessible sports & activities for young VIPs
- Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind: a pledge of funding towards a demonstration kitchen at their Rotherham centre
- Vision Action: for their optical training workshops in Zambia
- CBM: for their eye health project for young people in Zimbabwe
- St Vincent’s School for Sensory Impairment: for Sight Boxes to enable overseas students to access sports & educational activities
- Middlesex Association for the Blind to train members in IT in their own homes
- Living Paintings Trust: for new titles for their Touch See Book Clubs
- 4 Sight Vision Support: for a low vision assessment kit
- Warwickshire Vision Support: for demonstration equipment
- Bucks Vision: towards their Home Support & Befriending Service
- Mondo Foundation: to enable 36 pupils in Tanzania to have hospital visits, glasses prescribed & eye treatment
- Sight Loss Shropshire: for their Digital Tech Service
- Time & Talents: towards enhancing their VIP group by providing activities & supportCAM Sight: for equipment for their Assistive Technology Team
- Clinique Ophtalmologique St Raphael, D.R. Congo: for cataract operations & outreach missions
- Feed the Minds: for ICT skills training & literacy training to visually impaired women in Uganda
- Living Options Devon: to enable them to run VIP book clubs
- Happy Days: for a residential trip to Legoland for visually impaired children
- Henshaws: for their ‘I Can Do It’ life skills courses
- Sight Support West of England: for their Resource Centre in the North West of the county
- NAB: to run book clubs
- Insight Gloucestershire: for magnifiers for their Resource Centre & outreach sessions
- Alive & Kicking: for equipment to enable VIPs in Kenya, Zambia & UK to play ball games
- Orchestra of the Swan: towards a project working with students at Priestly Smith School to compose & perform a piece of work to a professional standard
- Blind in Business: for the technology element of a project to enable young VIPs to have work experience
- Kent Association for the Blind: towards the cost of Iris, their Mobile Sight Centre community vehicle
- Second Sight: to fund solar panels in two hospitals in India. the grant will enable the hospitals to carry out more eye operations and treatments
- Bangladesh Protibandi Unnayan Sangstha (BPUS), Bangladesh: for their Economic & Self Employment Development Project
- Braille Chess Association: to enable VIPs to continue enjoy playing chess
- Wirral Society of the Blind & Partially Sighted: to fund digital workshops & to upgrade software and hardware
- Berkshire Vision: for demonstration equipment i.e. We Walk Smart Cane & Onyx Smart Glasses
- Fife Society for the Blind: for accessible technology demonstration equipment
- London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine: for a special edition of the Community Eye Health Journal in print & online & development of online training resources on eye surgery
- Walsall Society for the Blind: for demonstration equipment
- Accrington & District Blind Society (ELVIN): for hardware for their Sight Resource Centre
- Advantage Africa: to support 65 young people with oculocutaneous albinism in Uganda
- Leicester Hospitals Charity: DEAPP project to provide access to diabetes education for children with visual impairments, or who might develop a visual impairment
- Childhood Eye Cancer Trust: to support children with retinoblastoma & their families
- Sight Advice South Lakes: to enable their quarterly magazine to be published in large print, audio & online
- Torch Trust for the Blind: to enable their Christian Literature Service to offer large print, Braille & audio versions of their books
- Walthew House: towards the costs of producing and distributing accessible information to visually impaired people
- Ulverscroft Vision Research Group: funding research into childhood eye disease to 2026
- World Child Cancer: for retinoblastoma treatment in Ghana & Cameroon
- IMET2000: to equip the Eye Clinic at Herona Hospital in Uganda & to run the clinic for 12 months
- RAF Association: for their Air Mail Newsletter
- 4 Sight Vision Support: for Low Vision Kits
- Medic to Medic: to train optometrists in Malawi over three years
- Mondo Foundation: for beds & glasses for the students at the Longido Blind Unit in Tanzania, & Braille paper & for servicing of Braille equipment.
- University of Leicester: research into Optical Coherence Tomography in children
- Queen’s University Belfast: Ulverscroft Chair in in Global Eye Health Transitional Research for Equitable Eye Care: TREE programme
- Newcastle University: clinical research funding into improving corneal healing via modulation of tissue
- University of Liverpool: research into the treatment of glaucoma
- Second Sight: to build a floor at the Laxman Eye Hospital in India
- Ruharo Eye Centre: retinoblastoma project and outreach work in Uganda
- London School of Hygiene & Tropical medicine: surgical training programme in Africa
- Foresight Gardening Enterprises: gardening equipment
- InterCare: for medicines and equipment for blind schools in Zambia
- Ulverscroft David Owen Prize: a book prize awarded to a trainee ophthalmologist
- Sheffield Visually Impaired Walking Group: volunteer expenses & transport costs
- Sight for Surrey: equipment to produce their magazines & also marketing material for their Living with Sight Loss events
- Open Country: replacement tandems & equipment for their Tandem Clubs
- Charnwood Talking News: laptops, players & USBs used to produce their talking newspapers
- Blind Cricket England & Wales: equipment & transport costs
- Extant: Pathways Programme over three years to enable visually impaired people to access training in the performing arts
- Bromley Talking News: equipment & studio costs to enable production of their talking newspapers
- World Medical Education: for video-based multimedia education on eye diseases
- Living Paintings Trust: to support ‘Touch to See’ book clubs
- Deafblind Scotland: Follow the Leader courses for mental health & wellbeing
- Southend on Sight: towards the annual cost of their Newsletters
- Improving Lives Plymouth: to update their IT demonstration equipment
- North East Sensory Services: towards updating their equipment & software needed for their transcription services
- Listening Books: to support memberships
- Devon Development Education: to complete a hostel at Katente West School, Uganda
- Sense International: for specialist eye equipment in Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda
- Scarbocchia: for sports equipment
- Walsall Society for the Blind: for a computer & software to produce their talking newspapers & magazines
- Devon in Sight: for assistive equipment for visually impaired people to borrow or try out
- Coventry Resource Centre: for redevelopment of the Centre to provide more services to visually impaired people
- Equation Nottingham: for Braille & large print contact cards for people in danger of abuse
- Calibre: to support memberships of their audio library
- The Courtyard Trust: for Braille signage
- Henshaws Society for the Blind: for their I Can Do It courses and activities
- Open Sight Hampshire: Early Years Family Support Group, Portsmouth
- Wiltshire Sight: towards setting up a Resource Hub in Salisbury
- Galloway’s Society for the Blind: equipment to demonstrate new technologies
- Chailey Heritage Foundation: equipment to improve children’s functional vision
- Bury Society for Blind & Partially Sighted People: towards developing their Information Hub
- Sight for Surrey: for specialist demonstration equipment
- Braille IT: for an Orbit Reader & Braille paper & Braille books