
Grant Application Guidelines

Your application should include at least the following:

  • details of your current service to visually-impaired people, if any, and how it will be improved or enhanced by the proposed project. We do not need to see lengthy, generalised descriptions of the challenges faced by blind and visually-impaired people;
  • an estimate if possible of how many blind and visually-impaired people currently use your service, and how many will use it in the future;
  • any funding received or pledged to date for the project in question, and the names of other organisations to which you have applied;
  • a copy of your latest annual report and accounts;
  • confirmation that your organisation has a safeguarding policy for vulnerable children and/or adults, as appropriate;
  • confirmation that your organisation has an equal opportunities policy.

Our Trustees meet quarterly to consider applications: in January (deadline 15 December)April (deadline 15 March), July (deadline 15 June) and October (deadline 15 September). Please note: the dates of our meetings may be subject to change.

Our Foundation receives a large number of applications. If we have given a grant to, or considered an application from your organisation, we are unable to consider any further applications until a period of 18 months has elapsed.

In general we will not fund staff salaries or ongoing running costs for an organisation. Staffing costs for specific, time-limited projects may be considered at the Trustees’ discretion.  Research projects which involve salary costs may also be considered.

The Trustees reserve the right to seek independent, specialist advice on particular applications where appropriate.

“Devon in Sight were delighted to receive the support of the Ulverscroft Foundation towards their Equipment Bursary Fund.”
~ Devon in Sight continue to receive the support of the Ulverscroft Foundation.
